Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Barbeque Party

We had a barbecue party at night after we did Michigan test yesterday...

Michigan Test...

Yesterday..I had a Michigan test...It was just like an ordinary English proficiency test..It would have been okay if I hadn't taken it because I've passed the Toefl test. what made me stressful was the test is unbelievably hard....esp the vocab part...I had no idea what those words mean....I spent about 45 minutes finding the correct answers..and I just had 10 minutes to complete the reading part..In the reading part there were 4 articles and 20 questions...You can imagine how I finished the reading part...just find the answer that you feel okay and sounds good, then circle the letter... It was a really really and really difficult test..

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Camp Street

I visited my Dad's office this afternoon and I took a pict of Camp Street...not really good but I hope you'll like it.

Friday, December 14, 2012

Timberwolves vs Hornets

Tonight, I went to New Orleans Arena to watch a basketball game between Timberwolves against Hornets. It was my first time watching the game live at the Arena. The game was good but Hornet was defeated by the Timberwolves.
There was also kids do marching band during the brake between 1st and 2nd quarter. the video

Sunset from the Pontchartrain bridge

Foggy day in New Orleans

RLS Class Last Day

It has been very long long long long time not checking out my blog. Okay..I think I will start to write my blog in English from now on..My IELP friends here asked me to do that thus they can understand my writing. I will start with my RLS Class last day. Last Thursday was our last day with Jamie because she's not gonna teach us for the next session. She told us that we were gonna have like a little party in the classroom. She allowed us if we'd like to bring some food. It was so unexpected that most of the students bring their own food. Moreover, most of us brought dessert, no main meal or appetizer. I brought fish sticks for the side dish and traditional Indonesian cracker named "remPEYEK". Ali Almuzaini brought a box of croissants and soft drinks, Faisal brought traditional Saudi's dessert and Thamer brought a big birthday cake. I was quite sure that none of my friends celebrates birthday on Thursday. Jamie herself brought Humus with some chips. Well then, we got to finish these all. Fortunately, Jamie called her friends Latesha and a guy to help us finish the food. I "just" ate some fish sticks, chips with humus, croissants, traditional Saudi dessert. WOW..I just realized I ate a lot. Then we took a picture....here it is:
I had really good time with them. They are fun and humorous. I do appreciate Jamie's way of teaching. She is one of my greatest teacher.