Saturday, January 12, 2013

New Year

Hey...It's me again.. I know it's too late to post my writing about New Year. It's already the 12th of January. Im gonna write it anyway. :D At December 31st. I asked my Asian friends where they were gonna go to spend on the new year eve. They told me that they didnt have any idea for it. One of them also didnt have a car and the other one's car was broken, so what could they do was staying at home. Well, Im not the guy who wants to spend time staying at home on the new year eve. So, I planned to go to the riverwalk, and they all agreed. I told them to meet up at the riverwalk at 8 pm because I was afraid that I couldnt had found parking space if I had come later. My thought was based on my new year eve experience in Jakarta. I couldnt find parking space though I came to Grand Indonesia at 7PM. Isnt it insane?..and unfortunately here was otherwise.. I didnt have to worry about that. I arrived at 07:30PM and there were lots of spaces to park my car. Well, I have 4 hours and 30 minutes left and I didnt know what to do. Then my Japanese friends came. We walked along the riverwalk then went to Cafe du Monde. I bought a hot chocolate drink and it tasted really good. Then we continued to walk to a Japanese restaurant name I forgot haha....We ordered 2 Karage, Takoyaki and another one I cant remember it all...After we finished our dinner we walked back to the river walk then I just realized that it was quite far from river to the restaurant and then walked back to river walk again. It was fun however. When it was time for the fireworks begin, everybody shouted HAPPY NEW YEAR!!...the fireworks were everywhere and they were awesome. It was a beautiful night....and the 2nd best new year I;ve ever had,,,, HAPPY NEW YEAR guys!! I will upload some picts later....
Photos below credits to Anh Minh

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