Tuesday, May 14, 2013

I got my license

Two days ago which is Monday....I went to Motor Vehicle Office near Bonnabel. I went there to get a driver license.
O ya, I did the written test on Friday last week. It was a stormy day, the wind was insane. I waited on the line to get my number. Then my number was called. I went to the desk calling for my number. I gave her all the documents needed but I forgot something. I forgot to bring my SSN card. I didnt know that they needed the original one. So I drove back home to get my SSN card. Ater all required documents were completed. I was asked to do the written test. It looked easy at the first time, but I failed. Ha..ha.. There were many questions asking about alcoholic stuff like how many percent alcohol is allowed bla bla bla...and how many alcohol can a body process in an hour. OMG...how am I supposed to know that....I failed and stopped at the 27th question. Unexpectedly, the officer offered me the second chance but I had to wait on the line again to take the number. Then I took the second test and I succeeded. I couldnt take the road test due to the bad weather.

I came back on Monday and the lady at the front desk said " Oh, you again..." seems like she didnt expect me to come..haha just kidding...then an officer came calling for my name. Then we went to my car for the road test. I was really like a robot and she was like a gps lady. She said " at the next intersection turn left..." and I said " yes mam..roger that"....haha I a bit exaggerate it. It took about 5-10 minutes drive for the test. Then after we arrived back at the office she said I should go to the place I was waiting before and another lady would do the paper work for me. I didn't know that I had passed the test. When another lady came toward me, she said " Now you have to take this paper work and go to the desk over there, she will call your name and you will have to pay $21.50 for the driver license". It means I passed the test..yeaayy...

Now I have a Louisiana driver license.

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