Sunday, July 28, 2013

it is not the end

Hey everyone, I've been so lazy to write and update my blog this past couple of months. First thing is because I was so busy doing assigments from my proffessors and the second thing is I was down due to I couldnt do well in classes. I cant catch up with the class progress so I was left quite far behind. To compound, the subject which I did not really understand was taught by an associate proff. It means he doesnt have a permanent office and scheduled office hours. I tried emailing him but he rarely checked his e-mail. I also tried to ask him directly in the class and after class but it seemed inpossible because I had a lot to ask and it would take a day to answer my questions.
As the result, I failed. 

Am I sad?? a bit. Why is it only a bit? I've shown my dad that Ive done my best and I did what he ask me to do but it must end unhappily. I'm sure he is disappointed in me because I'm not doing well in classes and the worst is that I failed. I took this master of science in mechanical engineering to answer my dad's curiosity. He believed in me so much that I was capable of taking and finishing this major. So why wouldnt I give a try?......
I am suspended for a semester rgarding thr failure to fill the academic requirement. But I decided not to wait for that long to continue to the next semester. I will come back to Indonesia to either find a job or take a master degree in management at a university in Jakarta.Why?? I can not disclose why I decided that. You will probably know the reason if you read the following posts.

I was little bit sad because all that Ive had done in the past year is a waste. But then I realized that this is not the END. Im still young "well that is what I think" and I still have many great and bad things to come. I just need to prepare my self for the upcoming life moments. Do what I like to do and enjoy it. No need to be dragged in to sadness for long time. Accept what has happened, face snd get over it.

I remembered a commerial TV says like this LIVE IS NEVER FLAT!!

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

me with the ladies.. :)

this was taken at the IELP Japanese Culture hour

this was taken at the Cove

Sore throat...

It has been two days I got sore throat and it is very annoying. I hate this kind of sickness. You know why? because last time I got throat ache, I lost my voice for about couple weeks. After couple weeks my voice was not completely recovered. 

That's why now I'm looking for a store either Walgreens or CVS..or any pharmacy that sells portable plug and play throat....I wanna buy one....

I got my license

Two days ago which is Monday....I went to Motor Vehicle Office near Bonnabel. I went there to get a driver license.
O ya, I did the written test on Friday last week. It was a stormy day, the wind was insane. I waited on the line to get my number. Then my number was called. I went to the desk calling for my number. I gave her all the documents needed but I forgot something. I forgot to bring my SSN card. I didnt know that they needed the original one. So I drove back home to get my SSN card. Ater all required documents were completed. I was asked to do the written test. It looked easy at the first time, but I failed. Ha..ha.. There were many questions asking about alcoholic stuff like how many percent alcohol is allowed bla bla bla...and how many alcohol can a body process in an hour. am I supposed to know that....I failed and stopped at the 27th question. Unexpectedly, the officer offered me the second chance but I had to wait on the line again to take the number. Then I took the second test and I succeeded. I couldnt take the road test due to the bad weather.

I came back on Monday and the lady at the front desk said " Oh, you again..." seems like she didnt expect me to come..haha just kidding...then an officer came calling for my name. Then we went to my car for the road test. I was really like a robot and she was like a gps lady. She said " at the next intersection turn left..." and I said " yes mam..roger that"....haha I a bit exaggerate it. It took about 5-10 minutes drive for the test. Then after we arrived back at the office she said I should go to the place I was waiting before and another lady would do the paper work for me. I didn't know that I had passed the test. When another lady came toward me, she said " Now you have to take this paper work and go to the desk over there, she will call your name and you will have to pay $21.50 for the driver license". It means I passed the test..yeaayy...

Now I have a Louisiana driver license.

Monday, April 29, 2013

everything will be alright..hopefully

Hey there,, how are you all??
You know what?? I just remembered that I had a stupid..then I updated it right away...
I was too busy with my academic admissions and mostly with my new PS3 game..battle field 3...

Gratefully I got my scholarships, I got admitted by the University of New Orleans....I got my Social Security Number, and Ive just got my new I-20 today....everything seems perfect....but I feel anxious now because I havent touched any engineering books for more than a compound I worked for citibank after I graduate because it was difficult to get one in airline companies..well that was what I experienced...
I'm just afraid I can't catch what the profs explain in the classes...I've forgotten some basic engineering knowledge...hufff..I hope I can do this...yeaahh..I will do this and can do this...rite!?

Saturday, January 19, 2013

Facts about Chuck Norris!


  • Chuck Norris can strangle you with a cordless phone
  • Chuck Norris can hear sign language
  • Chuck Norris knows Victoria's secret.
  • When Alexander Graham Bell invented telephone, he had 3 missed call from Chuck Norris
  • Chuck Norris doesn't call the wrong number, you answer the wrong phone.
  • Outer space exist because it's afraid to be on the same planet with Chuck Norris.
source :

Friday, January 18, 2013

Flood Digital Map of Jakarta. UPDATED!!

Here are two updated digital maps of Jakarta flooding. The flood spreads almost all over the areas in Jakarta. And according to weather forecast, it will  be raining until the next 5 days. God bless Jakarta.
